2150…954…And Counting

2150. That’s how many visitors have come to the main Website, www.hueyforguilfordschoolboard.org since Dec. 1, 2006.

954. That’s how many of you have visited this Web site blog since I moved this over to its separate server last month.

Many of you are just simply curious onlookers, wondering exactly what I will say next or think of next.

Thank you.

Because it is you that continue to make this effort a true grass-roots effort. Because of you, we’re hearing that traffic and participation over at the News & Record’s Chalkboard Blog is waning a bit. I could be wrong and we don’t want to contribute to that, for they have been doing this a lot longer than I have and have been successful. So Morgan and Jennifer, please continue the blog efforts there at the N&R.

But as you know by now, I seem to take more controversial stances on issues involving our children and our schools…simply because it is our schools and our children we are talking about. And I make no excuses. Many of you are hungry to hear my opinions and my stances on policies and issues involving our children. I appreciate that. And we now have a wider audience as well because of the local and statewide feeds; remember that we have visitors from the Triangle to Charlotte, from the West to Down East and places in between reading this blog and commenting in real time.

That speaks to the technology of 2007.

I’m a person that puts it in perspective. We always seem to take two essential groups for granted in life. Our children and our most seasoned citizens. That has to stop. And with the children of Guilford County, the buck stops here with me.

I’m always giving words of thanks and expressions of gratitude because this is not a one man show; it will take the efforts of all of you to make the election next year a success. I simply want to be a public advocate for our children’s behalf. And when it is successful (notice I didn’t say ‘if’ but ‘when’), the efforts will not stop there. As I said before, I will pledge to fulfill my duty to make the best and the right decisions involving the children of this county. I will be humbly responsible to all of you, for it is you I’m asking for support.

So thank you again. And I’ll keep saying thank you. Keep reading. Keep commenting. Keep participating. And above all else, keep supporting what is right and what is needed in our schools. For it is our children who are our future.

E.C. 🙂

6 Responses

  1. I’m one of your biggest fans and we’ve never even met! I’ll catch up with you one day. For now, keep on bloggin’! Our kids need you!

  2. W.G.O: Give me a buzz or drop me a line anytime, I’m always up for Starbucks, I’ll buy the first cup, you just name the day and time and I’m there.

    That goes for all of you. I’m very personable and approachable; I hope to never become some stick-in-the-mud politician, that’s not my style.

  3. Thank you for the offer. I’ll definitely take you up on that Starbucks sometime. Will you be speaking at the meeting tonight? It seems that the possiblity of “choice” will be brought up for High Point kids and it looks as if it’s already being shunned. What’s Going on? Kids in High Point don’t deserve a choice? I can’t even bare to watch the meeting tonight. Mr. Childs says in today’s paper that “Andrews is a model school”–model for what? They are lying to the public and forcing kids to go to a failing school. This should be unconstitutional!

  4. write me offline and I’ll tell you all about it (there’s a reason why): hueyforguilfordschoolboard@yahoo.com

  5. Thanks for speaking last night. I couldn’t have said it all better myself.

  6. Jennie Finch

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

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