FOX-8 Chronicles SAVE GCS ARTS!


The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. In a FOX-8 story last night, reporter Leah Beno profiled the grass-roots efforts of SAVE GCS ARTS!, which is working to restore every minute-every-second-every hour of lost art/music elective time in all of our elementary and middle schools.

Last night’s Board meeting was no exception, as the plan of having speakers there at every meeting is now being noticed, despite the GCS Administration’s recent retreat-recommendation of cutting more art/music elective time.

Click here to watch the piece.


UPDATE, 2/1/08, 2:12PM: In watching the replay of speakers from last night’s meeting, once again, everyone spoke eloquently in support of the arts.

It is not a racial issue (Deena–who was absent), it is NOT an economic issue, it is NOT an issue for the county commissioners (for Alan pass-the-buck Duncan)…it is a curriculum issue. That buck stops on Eugene Street. Fix it, GCS.

E.C. 🙂

4 Responses

  1. Erik, there certainly were a lot of great speakers. I was really impressed with the long list of achievements by previous GCS Orchestra students that Mr. Suggs, the retired Smith Orchestra Leader read. Dr. Bernstorf also hit home the benefits of school music when he talked about the recent band convention where it became apparent that all the band members made GREAT grades and did not have discipline problems.

  2. After teaching for two and a half years, I finally attended my frist school board meeting last night. Coming into contact with so many people who supported the arts in this county was incredibly empowering. Hopefully, strong turnouts like last night will show the Board that the arts are an integral part of the fabric of this community and they must be cherished and allowed to flourish.

  3. I really wanted to attend this meeting, but my son was in a play at his high school and I could not miss his stage debut. But the coverage on Fox 8 was great (News 2, in their infinite wisdom, completely ignored this story). I am proud everyone who spoke in favor of restoring the arts and music curriculum to its previous levels. As Casey Hazelman (son of the late Herb Hazelman) stated, “Art defines our culture.” And Erik, you are correct. This is not a racial, economic or any other issue except one of curriculum. Either this school board values the many benefits of a vigorous art and music curriculum, or they don’t. If they don’t, they have no business being in charge of Guilford County Schools. You can damn well bet that if the school board member from my district (Ms. Garrett) does not support arts and music, she will not be able to count on my vote in the next election. I will support whomever will support music and art (and PE) curriculum in the GCS. I urge you all to do the same.

  4. John: You will be DELIGHTED to learn that Darlene Garrett is a staunch arts education ally. Moreover she is definitely in touch with her District 3 constituents. She even mentioned at the retreat that her constituents support arts education! She attends school concerts and other arts events regularly and has given glowing reports during closing comments of BOE meetings on several occasions.

    If you get a chance send her a note and thank her for her wonderful support of arts education. We could use more like her!

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